lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


¿Quién no lo recuerda? ¿No la cantasteis a pleno pulmón? Si no lo hicisteis con la guitarra eléctrica invisible es que no fuisteis nadie... 
Devil Came to Me es el segundo álbum de estudio de la banda de rock española Dover, publicado el 21 de abril de 1997. Consiguió su primer disco de oro por las 50 000 copias vendidas del álbum.

La canción que da nombre al disco se utilizó tanto en una recopilación de canciones de grupos reveladores del momento, bajo el nombre de Pepsi The Next Generation (1998), como en el anuncio de una marca de refrescos norteamericana, Radical Fruit Company.
Link a Youtube: AQUÍ 
Efecto: SuperStudio 25/30 o Indie Fx (Sino VIP)
Letra dividida
(1)Devil came to me

And he said: I know what you need
(2)Devil came to me
And he said, you just follow me
(1-2)This is the end but I'm not surprised
You will burn in hell
Do you know, know why?

(3)Devil came to me

And he said: I know what you need
(4)Devil came to me
And he said: you belong to me
(3-4)This is the end but I'm not surprised
You will burn in hell
Do you know, know why?

(all)I lied for you, I lied for you
I lied for you, I lied for you
(1,2)The moon was red and the
night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: like you we're
(3,4)The moon was red and
the night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: hey, like you we're
(all)This is just the end
You will burn in hell
tell us if you're scared

(4)Devil came to me
And he said: I know what you need
(2)Devil came to me
And he said: what you need it's me
(1,3)This is the end but I'm not surprised
You will burn in hell
Do you know why?

(all)I lied for you, I lied for you

I lied for you, I lied for you
(3,4)The moon was red and the

night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: like you we're
(1,2)The moon was red and
the night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: hey, like you we're
(all)This is just the end
You will burn in hell
tell us if you're scared

(1)Everybody say now I

will take the lessons that i
forgot to learn at school
And they go like:
(3)Everybody say you deserve what you get
But oh! no, I didn't mean to hurt

(all) I lied for you, I lied for you

I lied for you, I lied for you
(1,2)The moon was red and the

night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: like you we're
(3,4)The moon was red and
the night became my friend
But the stars were evil
And they said: hey, like you we're
(all)This is just the end
You will burn in hell
tell us if you're scared

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